New General Manager Announcement

A big hello and welcome to all our BuyRiters out there!! Thank you so much for making our launch such a success. This was a launch that sees us disrupt the established order of hardware distribution and puts control and buying power back in the hands of the customer, where it should be if we’re perfectly honest.

We are happy to share that we have acquired the services of Phil Esteban as our first and only General Manager. Phil is well known in the Window and Door Systems market in Australia, having been involved in the industry for almost twenty years. He has gained invaluable knowledge and experience having held senior roles in distribution companies including Crane, Capral, Alspec and Lincoln Sentry and a recent seven-month stint as an independent consultant to an International Extrusions Company. 

His network of industry contacts both within Australia and Internationally will no doubt help BuyRite Customers and the BuyRite Business achieve the ambitious goals we all have. 

On the academic front, he speaks three languages with one of them being English. And holds a master’s degree in engineering practice and business technology. Despite obviously being a nerd, he’s super approachable, super curious about how things work and how people think, and is always ready for a laugh and a challenge.

BuyRite is thrilled to welcome Phil on board to steer and drive our hardware business and our customers’ businesses to the next level.

Remember BuyRite Hardware. The Rite Price for the Brands You Love!!

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